Thursday, April 22, 2010

Celebrating Book Day--April 23rd

El 23 de abril, como bien sabemos, es el día del libro. Como centro bilingüe, los auxiliares de conversación, Kristen y Viola, han ido a muchas clases de infantíl hasta sexto para leer cuentos en inglés. Aquí hay algunos de los libros que hemos leído.

April 23rd is National Book Day. To celebrate books and reading, Kristen and Viola (auxiliares de inglés) have been holding reading groups from pre-school through sixth grade. These are some of the stories we've read:

This is a poetry book by Andalusian author, Juan Ramon Jiménez. He lived in Moguer, Huelva. We have a bilingual edition of the book and the sixth graders are making bilingual murals with excerpts from the book (photos forthcoming).

Owl is very silly! Had lots of fun reading about his adventures in this collection of five stories.

What happens when a crocodile has a toothache?? Find out with this fun book.

Can girls and boys play together?? This story is all about getting along with each other at school.

Practice prepositions with Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf! :)

Fun Fact: Did you know that Book Day is celebrated on the 23rd of April because it's the day that Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died? Cervantes was a very important Spanish author from the Spanish Golden Age. William Shakespeare was a very important poet and play write from Elizabethan England.

Friday, April 16, 2010

All-School Spelling Bee

Como parte de las celebraciones para el día de Europa, los alumnos de C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega están preparando un concurso de deletrear en inglés. Todos están ensayando el abecedario inglés y estudiando mucho.

¡Suerte a todos!

As part of our Europe Day celebrations, the students of C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega are practicing their ABC's and brushing up on vocabulary to prepare for the first ever, all-school Spelling Bee.

There will be contests first at the class level, then in each cycle (first and second grade, third and fourth, fifth and sixth), and finally we will hold a competition to decide the school spelling champion on Europe Day.

Good Luck!