Friday, May 28, 2010

Good bye!

Este jueves, 27 de mayo nos hemos despedido de nuestros dos auxiliares de conversaci

ón: Kristen Koning y Viola Wilbanks. Se lo hemos pasado muy bien con las dos y las echarémos mucho de menos en estas semanas que quedan del curso.

Sin embargo, las dos van a repetir la experiencia de auxiliar, incluso Viola volverá a incorporarse en nuestro centro el curso que viene.

Kristen se va a Madrid para explorar y conocer mejor la capital y nuestro país.

A Kristen la deseamos suerte en el próximo curso y confiamos que aportará tanto al centro donde está destinada como ha hecho este curso aquí en el C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega. Esperemos que vuelva el año que viene de visita y desde

aquí queremos que sepa que siempre tiene casa en Casariche.

Hasta pronto.

Thursday May 27, we said good bye to both of our English Language Assistants, Viola Wilbanks and Kristen Koning. We have had lots of fun with both of them throughout the school year and we will miss them in the few weeks left of the semester.

However, both Viola and Kristen will be repeating their experience as Language Assistants next year. Viola will be coming back to work here at C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega in October of the coming school year; and Kristen is moving to Madrid to explore more of Spain and the capital city.

The small party at school on Thursday was a celebration that Viola is repeating at our school, and a going away party for Kristen. We wish her the best for the coming school year. The students and staff of C.E.I.P Lope de Vega will miss her next year, but we are certain that she will have a wonderful experience and bring as much to the classrooms of the capital as she has to those of our own school.

We look forward to a visit next year and want to let her know that she has a home in Casariche.

Good luck and see you soon!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Grade's Projects

Aquí se muestran algunos proyectos de 1º B, que se han hecho a lo largo del curso 2009-2010. ¡Muy bonitos!

Here are some examples of bilingual projects that the students in 1º B have made throughout the school year (2009-2010). After each unit students created a poster with vocabulary to continue practising, Very Nice!!!!


Y aquí se ven algunos proyectos de 1º A.

"Mi país es verde. Mi sombrero es verde y mi color favorito es verde."

This is a poster the students prepared for St. Patrick's day. St. Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland.

In the bilingual science classes the students in 1º A took body vocabulary to the next level and studied our skeleton. These are some of the bones in our bodies.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Los niños de 3º A están muy orgullosos de sus proyectos realizados en la clase de conocimiento del medio (grupo bilingüe).

Este es uno de los tres grupos de trabajo

Muy bonitos.

The students of 3rd A are very proud of the animal projects they made in their bilingual science class.

Here is one of the work groups with their project.

Very nice.

It's a Tie!

Tenemos empate en nuestro Spelling Bee. Los finalistas de segundo y tercer ciclo empataron para ser los dos campeones del colegio.


Mª Carmen Graciano España and Dylan Barrero Averland

The finalists from second and third cycle finished the school Spelling Bee in a tie, giving C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega two school champions!

Congratulations to both of you!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Finalist Round!

Enhorabuena a los tres finalistas de nuestro concurso "Spelling Bee".

Este pasado jueves día veinte de mayo celebramos el final de lo que ha sido un concurso emocionante. Los niños de C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega han estudiado mucho desde el inicio del concurso en abríl y los tres que llegaron al final lo han dejado todo en esta última enfrentación.

Desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a todos los que han trabajado tanto para que el Spelling Bee de este año fuera de tanto éxito.

Mil gracias.

Congratulations to the three finalists of this year's First Annual All-School Spelling Bee!

This past Thursday, 20th May, we at C.E.I.P (Centro Escolar de Infantil and Primaria) Lope de Vega witnessed the final showdown between contestants from each cycle of Primary School. Our representatives were from second grade, fourth grade and sixth grade. The final round of this year's Spelling Bee was just as exciting as the previous ones, and this time the whole school watched as our three contestants gave everything they had to be school champion.

I want to give a heartfelt congratulations to the students of C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega for all their hard work and study since the beginning of this contest in April. The first graders (and a few other classes) didn't even know their ABC's at the beginning, nonetheless, they were spelling with the best of them by the end of a month. GREAT JOB!

I would also like to thank all of those members of the school community whose permission, assistance, ideas and collaboration made this event possible and made the final round such a success.

Thank you very much!

First cycle contestant: Juan Rodríguez Domínguez

Second cycle contestant: Dylan Barrero Averland

Third cycle contestant: Mª Carmen Graciano España

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bilingual Projects:

Este es el pirámide de los alimentos hecho en la sección bilingüe de conocimiento del medio en 4ºA.

¡Qué bonito!

Here is the food pyramid that the students of 4ºA made in their bilingual science class.

Very good job!


Estos son unos de los trabajos más bonitos de 6ºC que hicieron los alumnos para la celebración del Día del Libro. Son poesías del famoso poeta andalúz, Juan Ramón Jiménez, escrito en español e inglés.

These are some of the best projects that 6ºC made to celebrate National Book Day. They are poems by the famous Andalusian poet, Juan Ramón Jiménez, from his book Platero and I. The students wrote the poem in Spanish alongside its English translation and illustrated each one.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Enhorabuena a todos los alumnos que han participado en la ronda preliminaria de nuestro concurso de deletrear y especialmente a los que han pasado a la primera ronda oral.

¡Bien hecho!

Especial reconocimiento para los alumnos de 2ºB, 4ºA, 6ºC. Todos terminaron la primera ronda con varios finalistas que pasarán al siguiente nivel.

The bilingual group was very impressed with the results of our first preliminary round for this year's First Annual All-School Spelling Bee. Congratulations to all of the students who studied so hard for the test and especially to those students who passed on to the next level: first level class round.

Good job!

Special recognition for the students in 2ºB, 4ºA, 6ºC. Each of these classes ended the first round with various finalists!