Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas (Navidad)

To celebrate the season of Christmas, our students participated in a bunch of Christmas activities (in Spanish and English) during the two weeks before vacation.

They sang many classic Spanish Christmas songs (which I enjoyed since I only knew of "Feliz Navidad"). The Infantil classes also performed a song together in a big group. In some of my English classes, we talked about Christmas in the United States and sang popular American Christmas songs. In one class, we sang "The 12 Days of Christmas," a fun and long song that is sometimes used in Christmas caroling. The students read the lyrics in English and Spanish - and, despite the song's repetition, the students loved it!

In some classes, we played a Christmas game (similar to "Who Am I?") in which one student sits at the front of class pretending to be someone. The student is the picture that is on his/her head, such as Santa Claus or a snowman. The student at the front of class does not know the picture, but the other students see it and have to describe it, such as ¨It is red." However the students cannot say the actual word/name of the picture - only the student wearing the picture can guess who or what he/she is pretending to be. In this game, students were: Santa Claus, a reindeer, a snowman, a Christmas tree, and an elf. As you can imagine students describing Santa as "red" but not being allowed to say "Santa Claus," the game tested their patience in a funny way and the students really enjoyed the game.

In other classes, the students made Christmas cards for their families, a tradition that I love. I wrote "Merry Christmas" and other Christmas words on the board, in Spanish and English, and I attempted to draw famous Christmas icons, such as a tree and holly. We discussed Christmas traditions in Spain and in the United States. I explained one of my favorite American Christmas traditions: mistletoe ("muérdago"), which I could not find in Spain. The students found this tradition entertaining as well.

In celebrating Christmas while learning about recycling in a unique way, our school created a recycled Christmas tree (shown in the photos above). We used all recyclable materials for the tree and its ornaments. The tree is made out of cardboard boxes, painted green, and giant plastic bottles are used in place of the tree limbs. The students made Christmas ornaments for this tree, using recyclable materials such as aluminum, paper, etc.. If you look at the photos, you can see some of these ornaments, including a beautiful red starburst made from a Coca-Cola can and a cardboard stocking that says "Feliz Navidad."

It was very fun and cultural to celebrate Christmas with the school, especially for me (as an American auxiliare that stayed in Europe during the holidays). The school made me feel at home and we had a nice holiday season. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas season! Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad! :)

- Elsie

Para celebrar las fiestas de Navidad, nuestros alumnos participaron en un montón de actividades de Navidad (en español y inglés) durante las dos semanas antes de las vacaciones.

Ellos cantaron muchas canciones de Navidad clásica española (las cuales me gustaron ya que sólo conocía "Feliz Navidad"). En las clases de Infantil también se interpretó una canción juntos en un grupo grande. En algunas de mis clases de inglés, hablamos sobre la Navidad en los Estados Unidos y cantamos canciones de Navidad popular americana. En una clase se cantó "Los 12 Días de Navidad," una canción divertida y larga que se utiliza a veces en villancicos. Los estudiantes leyeron las letras en inglés y español - y, a pesar de la repetición de la canción, los estudiantes les encantó!

En algunas clases, jugamos un partido de Navidad (similar a "¿Quién soy yo?") en la que un estudiante se sienta en la parte delantera de la clase pretendiendo ser alguien. El estudiante es el dibujo que se encuentra en su cabeza, como Santa Claus o un muñeco de nieve. El estudiante en la parte delantera de la clase no conoce la imagen, pero los otros estudiantes que la ven son los que la describen, tales como "Es de color rojo." Sin embargo, los estudiantes no pueden decir la palabra real / nombre de la imagen - sólo el estudiante que lleva la imagen es el que puede adivinar quién o qué él / ella está fingiendo ser. En este juego, los estudiantes fueron los siguientes: Santa Claus, un reno, un muñeco de nieve, un árbol de Navidad, y un elfo. Como se puede imaginar los estudiantes que eran 'Santa' podían describirse como "rojo" pero no se le permitía decir "Santa Claus," con el juego se probaba la paciencia de una manera divertida y los estudiantes realmente disfrutaron el juego.

En otras clases, los estudiantes hicieron tarjetas de Navidad para sus familias, una tradición que me encanta. Escribí: "Feliz Navidad" y otras palabras de Navidad en la pizarra, en español e inglés, y traté de dibujar iconos famosos de Navidad, tal como un árbol y el acebo. Hablamos de las tradiciones de Navidad en España y en los Estados Unidos. Le expliqué que una de mis favoritas tradiciones americanas de Navidad es el muérdago, y que no podía encontrar aquí en España. Los estudiantes encontraron esta tradición entretenida también.
En la celebración de Navidad, se llevó a cabo el aprendizaje sobre el reciclaje de una manera única. Nuestra escuela creó un árbol de Navidad reciclado (como se muestra en las fotos de arriba). Utilizamos todos los materiales reciclables para el árbol y sus adornos. El árbol fue hecho con cajas de cartón, pintada de verde, y botellas grandes de plástico se utilizan en lugar de las ramas de los árboles. Los estudiantes hicieron adornos de Navidad para el árbol, el uso de materiales reciclables como aluminio, papel, etc.. Si mira las fotos, puede ver algunos de estos adornos, entre ellos un hermoso destello rojo a partir de una lata de Coca-Cola y un calcetín de cartón que dice "Feliz Navidad."

Fue muy divertido y cultural el celebrar la Navidad con la escuela, especialmente para mí (como auxiliar estadounidense que se quedó en Europa durante las vacaciones). La escuela me hizo sentir como en casa y tuvimos una temporada de vacaciones agradable. Espero que usted tenga una maravillosa temporada de Navidad! Feliz Navidad! :)

- Elsie

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This week we learned about and celebrated Thanksgiving! This is an American political holiday to honor the history of the United States and the first successful harvest on American soil. These days, the meaning of Thanksgiving in America is focused on giving thanks, such as giving thanks for family and good food, among other things. Americans celebrate this day with a big dinner, usually with family, and it is tradition to eat turkey. It is popular for Americans to enjoy this dinner at home and then watch American football on television.

In class, the students learned about Thanksgiving and we discussed the tradition. The older students also read and spoke in English. Some of the classes played a game in which students had to pin the parts of the turkey while being blindfolded. Some of the students wanted the turkey to look crazy when the game was over. You can see the finished turkeys from this game in the photos above. The younger students drew and colored hand turkeys. The last photo shows one of the kindergarten classes with all of their hand turkeys. All of the classes had a lot of fun celebrating Thanksgiving with us.

Happy Thanksgiving! and soon in Spain, Happy Constitution Day! :)

- Elsie

Esta semana nos enteramos y se celebra Día de Acción de Gracias! Esta es una fiesta política de Estados Unidos en honor a la historia de los Estados Unidos y la primera cosecha con éxito en suelo americano. En estos días, el significado de Día de Acción de Gracias en Estados Unidos se centra en la acción de gracias, como dando gracias por la familia y la buena comida, entre otras cosas. Los estadounidenses celebran este día con una gran cena, por lo general con la familia, y es la tradición de comer pavo. Es muy popular para los estadounidenses a disfrutar de esta cena en casa y luego ver el fútbol americano en la televisión.

En clase, los estudiantes aprendieron acerca de
Día de Acción de Gracias y hablamos de la tradición. Los estudiantes mayores también leer y hablar en Inglés. Algunas de las clases jugado un partido en el que los estudiantes tenían de precisar las partes del pavo, mientras que con los ojos vendados. Algunos de los estudiantes quería el pavo para buscar una locura cuando el juego había terminado. Se puede ver a los pavos terminados de este juego en las fotos de arriba. Los estudiantes más jóvenes y los pavos de color llamó la mano. La última foto muestra una de las clases de jardín de infancia con todos los pavos de su mano. Todas las clases había un montón de diversión celebrar Día de Acción de Gracias con nosotros.

Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! y pronto en España, Feliz Día de la Constitución! :)

- Elsie

Friday, November 25, 2011

International Day for the Elimination of Gender Violence

November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (or Elimination of Gender Violence). As women around the world are subject to rape, domestic violence, and other forms of violence, the purpose of this day is to bring awareness to this issue. To learn about gender violence and honor this day, our school made stickers, using the international day's logo. Some of the students made posters (above), which we displayed in the school halls. In some classes, we also watched some videos that demonstrated this issue.

Here are a few videos about gender violence:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin

This week, the students of C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega visited took a trip over to our neighbor's, the cultural museum in Casariche.  The curators and community members have been busy putting together a piece on the Adventure of TinTin, as well as its author  Hergé.  While the exhibit was in Spanish, it was wonderful to see which cultural icons transcend language. Personally, I have some very fond memories of heading over to Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon, searching for the TinTin shelf.  Students learned the history of the TinTin comic, its evolution into the world of books, and the cultural and historical impacts of the comic.  And, obviously, we talked a lot about the new TinTin movie, a bit hit among the kids at Lope de Vega.

Check out some of our classwork, where the students wrote about TinTin and created their own comic books!

- Robyn

Monday, November 7, 2011


In the last week of October, we taught about the American tradition of Halloween. Halloween is October 31, the night before All Saints Day (Festividad de Todos los Santos), and it is also known as the "Day of the Dead." In the United States, it is popular to celebrate Halloween by dressing up in costumes (disfraces). Many children like to go "trick or treating" ("truco o trato"): they walk around town in costumes, knock on the doors of houses, say "Trick or treat!" - and then receive candy. For teenagers and adults, house parties are sometimes popular and everyone dresses in costume.

Here at school during the week before Halloween, we taught a Halloween lesson and celebrated Halloween with the students. We talked about the history and traditions of Halloween. We also discussed Halloween words, such as "pumpkin" (calabaza) and "vampire" (vampiro). We played some Halloween games in which the students guessed the Halloween word. In some classes, we colored a Frankenstein mask.

We finished class with an activity in which students had to close their eyes and put their hands in a jar - a "Halloween Surprise" ("Halloween Sorpresa"). They did not know the contents of the jar. We told the students that the jar contained guts and eyeballs (intestinos y ojos). Then at the end of this activity, we showed the students that the jar actually contained spaghetti and grapes (espaguetis y uvas). The students had fun and it was a good week of Halloween! Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

- Elsie

En la última semana de octubre, nos enseñó acerca de la tradición americana de Halloween. Halloween es el 31 de octubre por la noche antes de Festividad de Todos los Santos, y también es conocido como el "Día de los Muertos". En los Estados Unidos, que es muy popular para celebrar Halloween por vestirse con disfraces. Muchos niños como para ir "truco o trato": se pasea por la ciudad en los trajes, llamar a las puertas de las casas, dicen que "Truco o trato!" - y luego recibir golosinas. Para adolescentes y adultos, fiestas populares son los vestidos de veces y todo el mundo con el traje.

Aquí en la escuela durante la semana antes de Halloween, nos dio una lección de Halloween y Halloween celebra con los estudiantes. Hablamos de la historia y las tradiciones de Halloween. También hablamos sobre las palabras de Halloween, como "calabaza" y "vampiro.". Hemos jugado algunos juegos de Halloween en el que los estudiantes adivinar la palabra Halloween. En algunas clases, de color de una máscara de Frankenstein.

Terminamos la clase con una actividad en la que los estudiantes tuvieron que cerrar sus ojos y puso sus manos en un recipiente - una "Sorpresa de Halloween." Ellos no conocían el contenido de la jarra. Les dijimos a los estudiantes que el recipiente contenía intestinos y ojos. Luego, al final de esta actividad, que mostró a los estudiantes que en realidad contenía el frasco de espagueti y uvas. Los estudiantes se divirtieron y fue una buena semana de Halloween! Espero que hayan tenido un Feliz Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A New Perspective

As native English speakers, we often forget what we must sound like to our non-native students. Elsie and I can certainly relate to what hearing strange and foreign languages sounds like; even after over a decade of studying Spanish, I often feel like my students are speaking some crazed and mysterious language to me during class. The daily moments of misinterpretation and miscommunication have, for myself at least, become quite entertaining. Living in a foreign country, you quickly learn to say phrases such as 'Can you repeat, please?' and 'Sorry, I don't understand.' At first, many of my students were overjoyed that I could speak (somewhat broken) Spanish with them. This excitement soon turned into confusion as to why I couldn't understand every word they shouted and mumbled in my direction. Now, after one month at Lope de Vega, the students have become the teachers. Before I explain new vocabulary words in English, I always preface with the question 'And how do you say this in Spanish?' Students have taken to pointing out vocab and dichos to me on a daily basis. For example, in a conversation I had with a student about soccer, I learned the words chanda, jersey, and a detailed description of the difference between a camisa and a camiseta.

But what exactly do Elsie and I sound like to those around us with little if no English experience?

Here is a short film by Brian Fairbairn, giving us a new perspective on what all of us native English speakers must sound like to the rest of the world.

- Robyn

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Countries of Europe

Recently, the students learned about the different countries of Europe. They drew and colored the countries in Europe, as well as the national flags of the countries to represent their location within Europe. The students also learned about the different countries' weather, languages and culture, such as popular foods and famous sites. All of the classes worked together to create beautiful posters that show the countries and cultures in Europe.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome Back!

We welcome all students and staff at C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega to a new school year, full of fun and learning! This blog is where you can see some of the English and bilingual activities that we are doing in the classes.

This year, we have two American assistant teachers to help us learn some English and American culture: Elsie (from San Francisco, California) and Robyn (from Eugene, Oregon). Elsie and Robyn are very excited to share their English and culture with the students and all of you. Stay tuned for our blog posts! :)


Damos la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes y el personal de C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega a un nuevo año escolar, lleno de diversión y aprendizaje! Este blog es donde se pueden ver algunas de las actividades de Inglés y bilingüe que estamos haciendo en las clases.

Este año, tenemos dos profesores de apoyo estadounidense para ayudarnos a aprender algo de la cultura Inglés y Americano: Elsie (de San Francisco, California) y Robyn (de Eugene, Oregon). Elsie y Robyn muy emocionados de compartir su Inglés y la cultura con los estudiantes y todos ustedes. Manténgase en sintonía para los puestos de nuestro blog! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Find out about... Us!

The bilingual students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade have spent the spring trimester working on this geography and culture presentation about Andalusia, Seville and Casariche. Great work!
Have a look!
Trabajo geografía final
View more presentations from violap22

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Grand Finale: Spelling Bee

Today, May 26th, 20011 was the grand finale of the Second Annual Spelling Bee at CEIP Lope de Vega. This year's contest was slightly different from last year for two reasons: first, we had two finals; and second, our neighbors from La Roda de Andalucía participated in today's inter-school finale.

The first "final" was held Tuesday. It was a competition among the top two best spellers from each class to compete for cycle title. The winners were:

First Cycle: Miguel Ángel España Moriana
Second Cycle: Carmen Barea Rodríguez
Third Cycle: Dylan Barrera Averland

We wrapped up this month-long competition with the inter-school competition held today. It was an exciting morning in the gym for all the students at CEIP Lope de Vega and our visitors from CEIP Manuel Siurot.

The first cycle competition was a difficult battle with words that tested the furthest limits of our students' knowledge. The two contestants from La Roda were in it until the very end when our second grader, Sergio Jurado Estepa, took the Cycle Champion title.

The second and third cycle competitions were more lively and fast-paced. Students from Casariche and La Roda were very well matched in skill and it was a fight to the end. For our second cycle competitors it came to a spell-down between the two contestants from CEIP Manuel Siurot: Francisco Manuel Villalobos Páez and Alberto Martín Moreno--a guaranteed victory for La Roda. Fourth grader, Alberto Martín Moreno won Cycle Champion for his school. The third cycle went all the way into round 8 with competitors from both schools until finally fifth grader, Dylan Barrera Averland, came out victorious for Casariche.

Thank you for your cooperation, participation and all the hard work put into studying for this year's competition. And congratulations to all the winners!

Also a special thank you to the bilingual team and other members of the staff who stepped in to help with all the details of planning and preparation for this year's event. It was a success. Good job!

Hoy, día 26 de mayo de 2011 ha sido la gran final de nuestro Segundo Cocurso Anual de "Spelling Bee" (deletreo en inglés) aquí en CEIP Lope de Vega. Este año cambió un poco el concurso: primero, hubo dos "finales", y segundo nuestros vecinos de La Roda de Andalucía han participado en el gran final inter-escolar de hoy.

El primer "final" tuvo lugar el martes pasado cuando lo dos mejores "deletreadores" competieron entre ellos para el título de ciclo de nuestro centro. Los ganadores fueron:

Primer Ciclo: Miguel Ángel España Moriana
Segundo Ciclo: Carmen Barea Rodríguez
Tercer Ciclo: Dylan Barrera Averland

Concluímos nuestro concurso que ha durado en total algo más de un mes, hoy con la competición inter-escolar. Ha sido una mañana de emociones para todos los alumnos de CEIP Lope De Vega y también para nuestros visitantes de CEIP Manuel Siurot.

La competición de primer ciclo fue muy difícil y ponía a prueba los límites del conocimiento de nuestros alumnos de primero y segundo. Los dos concursantes de La Roda estuvieron hasta el final cuado nuestro Sergio Jurado Estepa llevo el título de Campeón de Ciclo.

Las competiciones de segundo y tercer ciclo eran más vivos y rápidos. Los alumnos de Casariche y La Roda tenían niveles bastante igualados y ha sido una lucha hasta el final. Para nuestros concursantes de segundo ciclo llegó a ser un duelo entre los dos representantes de CEIP Manuel Siurot: Francisco Manuel Villalobos Páez y Alberto Martín Moreno--una victoria garantizada para La Roda. Al final, Alberto Martín Moreno de cuarto llevó el título de campeón. La competición de tercer ciclo llegó a la ronda 8 con concursante de los dos colegios aunque al final Dylan Barrera Averland de quinto salió victorioso.

Muchas gracias por vuestra cooperación, participación y todas las horas que habéis echado estudiando para el concurso de este año. Y enhorabuena a los ganadores!

También quisiera dar las gracias especialmente al equipo bilingüe y otros miembros del profesorado que nos han echado una mano a la hora de preparar los materiales y organizar detalles de preparación de este evento. Ha sido un éxito. Buen trabajo!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End in Sight

This week is the final round of C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega's second annual Spelling Bee.

The inter-school championship round will be held Thursday May 26th when the winners from each level will compete within their cycle for the title of All School Speller. In this year's Bee there will be a Spell-down between the winning students from La Roda de Andalucía and Casariche--may the best speller win!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter: Traditions and Where They Come From

If you want to learn more about American Easter traditions...or some new vocabulary in English to talk about Spanish Holy Week, check out this presentation!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our Holy Week vacations were rainy, but we've enjoyed our Easter celebrations to the fullest, here at C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega. We decorated eggs, colored pictures and even had an Easter egg hunt! Our auxiliar, Sara, created a great egg hunt with clues to help us find the eggs around the school...and of course practice our English prepositions. :) Nearly all the classes from third through sixth grade have had a chance to participate in this fun-filled American tradition.

All the participants received a certificate of participation.

Is this the Easter Bunny??!! (Thank you Sara!)

Can you find the egg in this picture?

Aunque pasamos una Semana Santa lluviosa, aquí en el centro hemos disfrutado al máximo de las fiestas de Pascua. Hemos decorado huevos, coloreado fichas y hasta hemos hecho una auténtica búsqueda de huevos de pascua al estilo americano gracias a nuestra auxiliar Sara. :) Así hemos podido disfrutar de una tradición típica de la Pascua americana a la vez que practicábamos el inglés.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Visitors :)

I would like to apologize for this tardy update: our visitors for the Comenious Green Globe project were here for four days in mid-March. We were very happy to receive them at our school. We had representatives from Ireland, France and Poland with us to exchange ideas about the Green Globe project, which is focused on the environment and sustainable use of our natural resources.

Our visitors came with us on the 6th grade field trip to the recycling facility in Estepa and they also got to see the 3rd grade performance of our play: Friends of the Forest. We hope their visit was as enjoyable for them as it was for us. :) And from our blog we wish you a Happy Easter and happy end of the school year.
Thanks for visiting!!

Primero, nuestras disculpas por la tardanza con este informe: nuestros visitantes del proyecto Comenious "Green Globe" estuvieron con nosotros unos cuatro días a mediados de marzo. Nos alegramos mucho de poder recibirles en nuestro centro. Vinieron de Irlanda, Francia y Polonia para intercambiar ideas, metodologías y técnicas en el desarrollo del proyecto "Green Globe" que trata del medio ambiente y el uso sostenible de nuestros recursos naturales.

Nos acompañaron en la excursión de 6º al centro de reciclaje en Estepa y también tuvieron la oportunidad de ver la obra de teatro, "Friends of the Forest", de 3º. Esperamos que disfrutaran tanto de su visita como nosotros y desde aquí les deseamos unas felices pascuas y un buen fin de curso.

Gracias por su visita!!

Second Annual Spelling Bee

This spring at CEIP Lope de Vega, the students are practicing their ABC's and brushing up on vocabulary for the Second Annual Spelling Bee. We've already finished the preliminary round and 113 students from 1st-6th grade have classified to participate in the oral spelling competition.


This year, we've made some changes to the contest. Rather than competing within our own center, we will compete with the bilingual primary school in La Roda de Andalucía, CEIP Manuel Siurot!

The students who qualified to participate in the oral competition will compete first with their classmates and finally with representatives from their cycle both from Casariche and La Roda. The next stage of the competition (orally, at the class level) will be held the first week after Semana Santa. And the final round of competition with students from La Roda will be held the second week in May.

We're looking forward to the competition and having the chance to test our skills with our neighbors Rodenses.

Good luck to everyone!

Esta primavera los alumnos de CEIP Lope de Vega están ensayando el abecedario y memorizando vocabulario en preparación para el "Spelling Bee", concurso de deletrear en inglés. Este año por segunda vez estamos organizando este concurso tan peculiar pero con algunos cambios. En vez de competir sólo con estudiantes de aquí del centro hemos invitado a nuestros vecinos de La Roda de Andalucía a participar también.

Así que en la segunda semana de mayo competirán alumnos de Casariche y del centro de primaria Rodense, CEIP Manuel Siurot para el título de "Best Speller!".

Mucha suerte a todos!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"No Somos Basura"

As part of the Comenuius Green Globe Project, the sixth grade took a field trip to the waste treatment facility for the Sierra Sur in Estepa. It was a smelly trip, but very interesting. Everything can be used and's just a matter of finding out how.

Did you know that the garbage you throw away gets converted into fertilizer? Or that the plastics we recycle can become your winter coat? This is why recycling is so important--tell your parents and start recycling today!

Como parte del Proyecto Comenius de Green Globe, los alumnos de sexto fueron de excursión a la planta de reciclaje aquí de la Sierra Sur en Estepa. Fue una visita pestosa pero muy interesante. :) Todo los que usamos puede ser reutilizado...solo es cuestión de encontrar la manera de hacerlo.

¿Sabías, por ejemplo, que la basura orgánica que tiramos se convierte en abono para los campos? ¿Y sabías que el plástico que reciclamos puede llegar a convertirse en un ingrediente imprescindible de tu abrigo? Por esto, reciclar es tan importante--díselo a tus padres y empieza a reciclar hoy!

These are bales of pressed cardboard and paper.

This tractor is stirring the organic garbage to help natural bacteria break it down into fertilizer.

Here's were the different recyclable parts of our garbage get dumped. Can you tell the difference between the two piles of plastics? Not all plastics are created equal. ;)

We learned a lot...even if we had to cover our noses!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Día de Andalucía

Happy Andalusia Day!

The students at C.E.I.P Lope de Vega celebrated Andalusia Day this past Thursday, February 24 although the real day is the 28th of February. Students from the third cycle (5th and 6th grade) prepared poetry readings, a short theater performance, traditional Andalusian songs and dances and even an original chirigota for carnival, all performed in Casariche's newly reformed municipal theater. We all enjoyed watching our fellow students in this very original celebration of Andalusia.

Aside from the fantastic performance, the students of sixth grade C prepared a museum of Andalusian antiques. Here are some of the pictures from this beautiful exposition of yesteryear.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friends of the forest

In third grade, as part of the Comenius project, we all put our heads together to write a play about the importance of taking care of nature and our forests. Now we're practicing non-stop to be able to perform for our visitors from France, Poland and Ireland in March. Here's the script we wrote.

Entre todos los de tercero, escribimos la siguiente obra de teatro. Ahora la estamos ensayando sin parar para poder enseñarla a los maestros de intercambio de Francia, Polonia, e Irlanda que vienen en marzo con el proyecto Comenius.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Give Peace a Chance

On January 31st we celebrated International Peace and Non-violence day. We learned about different historical figures who worked for peace, such as Martin Luthor King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Rigoberta Menchu, and Mother Teresa. Here are some of the posters students made in English.

El día 31 de enero celebramos en nuestro centro el Día intercacional de la paz y la no violencia. Aprendimos sobre importantes figuras de la historia que trabajaban por la paz y arriba hay algunos de los posteres que hicimos en inglés.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Be water

Be water
We're learning about matter in fifth grade bilingual science. We learned about the different states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. And we also learned about the properties of liquids: fixed volume, but no fixed shape. Liquids change shape according to their container. We watched this clip of Bruce Lee talking about water. Can you understand it without reading the subtitles?

What does he mean when he says, "Be water, my friend"?