Monday, March 23, 2015

Put your Clothes On

Dressing is an important but sometimes challenging skill for children to learn. You can lay the groundwork when your child is a baby, then build on it over the next few years. 

Learning to dress requires patience, persistence and practice from both you and your child. 
It also involves getting to know the things you have to do to get dressed:

  • picking out clothes that are right for the time of day, the weather and what you are doing that day - the tutu might not be the best thing for a bushwalk!
  • deciding what to wear - the dinosaur t-shirt or the truck t-shirt today?
  • putting on and taking off clothes and shoes.
  • doing up buttons or zips, getting collars and waistbands, and getting socks on the right way around.

Step by step

Getting dressed can have a lot of steps. It helps to break it down into smaller steps -- for example, putting on underwear, then t-shirt, shorts, socks and shoes.

A good way to teach your child to dress is to break each task down into small steps and teach him the last step first. Once he can do the last step of the task, teach him the second laststep, then the third last step and so on. For example, when putting on shorts, you might help your child face the shorts the right way, hold the waistband and put his legs through the leg holes. Then teach him the last step -pulling up the shorts to his waist by himself. Once your child can do this, teach him to put his legs through the leg holes and pull his shorts up. You can keep working your way backwards through the steps until your child has mastered them all and can put his shorts on for himself.

A big advantage of this approach is that often the most rewarding thing about a task is getting it finished -- and your child gets to this reward sooner when she masters the last step first.
When your child can almost dress himself (usually from three years and up), you can check whether he understands the steps by asking. 'What is the first thing you need to put on?' If he can't remember, you can help get him started by reminding him.

Put your clothes on song

Quick, quick, it's getting cold
Put your jumper on. (coat, scarf, socks, boots)

Quick, quick, it's getting hot
Put your shorts on (T-shirt, shoes, sandals)

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