Friday, February 24, 2012

Día de Andalucía

Here at C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega, we're already  gearing up for Día de Andalucía (Andalusia Day).  As an auxiliar, I've been looking forward to this holiday since my arrival in the autonomous community.  Every February 28th, students throughout Andalusia practice traditional dance, games, and songs. They even cook up traditional Andalusian food!

One such game that they play, Pañuelo, has become a first grade favorite during bilingual P.E.  I thought I'd share the rules so that you all can participate along with us this year!

You'll need the following:
- one old scarf, cloth, or piece of fabric
- one field, gym, or open space for running
- two teams of eager, energetic, and genuinely adventurous people
- good counting skills

1. Elect one person to be the "caller".
2. Divide those remaining into two teams of equal numbers.
3. Each team should count-off, making sure that each number is matched across the field (for example, each team should have a 1, 2, 3, etc.)
4. The "caller" stands between each team, who have all lined up on opposite sides of the filed.
5. The "caller" raises the pañuelo loosely, at an arms distance away, and calls out a number.
6. For whichever number called, that person runs to grab the pañuelo before the other team. This is when the "caller" needs to brace themselves and remember to let go!
7. Whoever grabs the pañuelo first must turn around and run back to their side, with the pañuelo-less person chasing after.
8. If they make it to their team, they win. If not, they don't!
9. Repeat until the "caller"'s voice gives out, team members forget their number, or general exhaustion sets in.

I love pañuelo because you can always change the rules a bit - from numbers to colors to animals. It offers hours of fun!

Happy Día de Andalucía!

 - Robyn

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